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How to Build Quality Content from Various Sources in a B2B company16 November 2015, mantran

Well, you’re the Marketing Content Manager responsible for putting quality content out there regularly, day after day, to fulfill various needs like – web content, campaigns, social posts, blogs, product updates, videos, white papers, case studies, PR – you name it. Now perhaps you’ve got all this under control, and you’re on top of things,


B2B Lead Generation through Social Media Marketing in India16 November 2015, mantran

As a B2B business in India, are you using social media marketing to generate leads? In the US, B2B companies generated 3 times more leads through social media than other traditional channels1. India also reflects the trend. 69% of Indian B2B marketers acknowledged Social Media Marketing to be one of the primary content marketing activities


The Rise of Video in B2B Content Marketing15 November 2015, mantran

What do you prefer – a thousand word article explaining what the brand is all about or a short video doing the same job? The answer is obvious. It’s not just you. Let’s accept it. It’s only natural to choose visual content over a long text. No guilt there. The online market space is crowded


Why should B2B companies invest in great content?17 August 2015, mantran

Why should B2B companies invest in creating great web content? Creating great content needs an investment in time, money and long term commitment. As an organization, you have other options for investing – you could increase your digital marketing spend, or add more people to the sales team. Compared to these other options, why should


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