Top 10 Reasons that Scream Website Redesign

22 April 2021, mantran

Top 10 Reasons that Scream Website Redesign

When was the last time you got a website redesign? If you don’t remember, it’s already been too long.

Just having a website is no longer enough. We live in a world where it doesn’t take long for anything to become obsolete or irrelevant. A website that people found useful and loved 5 years ago, could be irrelevant and unlikeable today.  That’s why redesigning your website at the right time is critical.

10 Reasons to Redesign a Website

The question is how would you know if it is time to revamp your website. What are the signs and symptoms to go in for website redesign? Here are the top 10 reasons to redesign your website immediately.

  1. Your website isn’t mobile-friendly and responsive
  2. Your competitors’ websites are better than yours
  3. The website’s load speed is more than 4 seconds
  4. The bounce rates on your website are increasing and conversion rates are decreasing
  5. The quantity and quality of leads is gradually decreasing
  6. Your website’s SERP rank is falling or stagnant
  7. Customers are complaining about your website
  8. Your website design isn’t up-to-date with the current technology making for poor functionality
  9. Your website doesn’t have a comprehensive content strategy
  10. It doesn’t reflect your business or brand appropriately

 Advantages of  a Website Redesign

Now the question is, what will you achieve by redesigning your website? Following are the advantages of web redesigning.

1.      Create the Right First Impression on Potential Customers

Your website is usually the first point of contact between you and your customer. This is where you create your brand’s first impression. Research suggests that 94% of website first impressions are design-related.

What’s more interesting is that it takes visitors only 50 milliseconds to form a first impression. You can’t afford to miss this opportunity. Redesigning your website can help you to have latest design, layouts and put in relevant and attractive elements that can create a great first impression on your potential customers.

2.      Improve your Website’s SEO

53.3% of all website traffic comes from organic search. So, SEO can no longer be an after-thought. It has to be an integral part of your web design. It is worth noting that SEO is not as simple as it used to be a few years ago.

For many years, stuffing relevant keywords on your website was all you needed to do for higher SEO rankings. Sadly, that’s not the case now. There are many other criteria that determine a website’s rank on Google SERP.

Some of them include web design elements like website navigation, structure, web page loading speed, mobile optimization, and so on. As such, redesigning your website with this in mind, can help you in improving your page rank.

3.      Communicate your Brand Image Efficiently

With the passage of time, the business and brand may evolve and the website needs to reflect the new brand image. This warrants a redesign. The layout of your website, the colors you choose, the content, the message, everything should be consistent with what your brand stands for now.

Any inconsistency between your web design elements and your current brand image reduces your brand’s value and can cause you to lose customers. Redesigning your website can help you to communicate the image in a much more relevant manner.

4.      Attract and Retain more Traffic

Your website design can be responsible for your lower CTR and higher bounce rates.  The layout of your website, the colors, the images and illustrations, the content; the overall look and feel of your website can determine whether people will stay or abandon your website.

Studies show that 38% of visitors stop engaging with a website if they don’t like how it looks or feels. So, in order to attract more traffic and to engage the visitors better, redesign your website. Start by finding out what your visitors want and then redesign your website based on that.

5.    Improve Customer Experience  

Web design isn’t just limited to the layout, color or content. How easy or difficult it is to use your website, is a significant part of the designing as well. And that’s known as User Experience or UX.  

A poor UX can cause your business to lose its customers. In fact, if you are an ecommerce site, 70% of users abandon a shopping cart because of poor or inadequate user experience.

To improve the user experience, you should update the user interface, the navigation, the usability and the functionality of your website. You need to make your website easier to use in order for people to choose your business over others.

Bottom Line

A good website has a perfect blend of aesthetics and usability. And at the same time, it is built for SEO. So, you need designing, content and SEO skills to get it right which can be difficult if you don’t have the resources inhouse. However, outsourcing it to a reliable team can prove to be quick, effective and efficient for your business.