Selecting the right B2B Video Content

5 April 2018, mantran

Selecting the right B2B Video Content

70% of B2B marketers claim that video marketing is one of the most compelling forms of marketing today. With 41% more traffic, 80% increase in conversions, 200-300% increments in email click-throughs, B2B video marketing has essentially become the most effective tool for lead conversion. However, conversion depends on the selecting the right B2B video content for your services and audience. 

So, as a Digital Marketing manager what kind of video content should you create and promote?

Brand and Culture

It’s imperative to forge a great first impression with a prospective business partner and a brand video serves the purpose right. Since most of the B2B marketing feels rather impersonal, it would be ideal to present a brand video in the fashion of telling your company’s story. One can take a cue from the emotive brand inspiration story of FedEx for example, which presents the success story of real-life businesses which bud and excel due to FedEx’s services.

Product Introduction/Teaser Campaign

Product launch videos are perhaps among the most effective videos for b2b video marketing especially if it’s a relatively new product that has to be introduced. The idea is simple, you want your client to know what you’re offering and how it can help them, but you need to stand out. One can take inspiration from a relatable video by HubSpot, which portrays the practical aspect of their business and demonstrates how their services can resolve issues and help almost any business. 

Another trick in the book is to keep the viewers engrossed and wanting for more. This can be achieved through a teaser campaign. A good example is the VMware product teaser video which invokes curiosity at first and finally leaves the viewer wanting for more in the end.

Explainer Videos

A crisp and precise video informing the clients about your services is easy to digest and extremely effective, resulting in long-term retention. One can make use of a custom animated video and explain the product or service with the help of visualization that resonates with the client. The good example is the video by Jonas Construction Services, where thought-provoking rhetorical questions put across the simple message to the viewers – why they need Jonas’ services.

Case Study / Customer Success Story

We’re used to creating case studies in PDFs. Well, case studies in videos are even better!

How brands can convey a cohesive story using a case study comes from Slack. It shows how the team in ‘Sandwich Video’ (the customer) starts realizing the useful features of Slack to communicate better within their team and ends up falling in love with the product.

Customer success stories etch a long-lasting impression and viewers are inclined to have more faith towards real-life stories. Case studies with a ‘before and after’ format are the ideal video content in order to present your company’s expertise. The idea is to show a customer’s journey from earlier struggles and how one’s services helped them prevail over it.  


While evaluating a future business relation, a great testimonial video is perhaps what most B2B clients are searching for. A testimonial is a stamp of approval from your past engagements and is a perfect path to pave future relationships. It helps to build trust. The idea is to have end-users and successful business partners vouch for you and justify how your services fit into multiple industries, solve specific pain points, or perfectly integrate with other tools.


Webinars are a direct pitch opportunity for businesses. Webinars establish a two-way informative flow and a single session can allow one to connect with as many prospective business partners possible. Many businesses have been known to effectively use webinars to their benefit for a long time now, with increased conversion in leads. Further, these webinars can be recorded and posted for later use by other fresh customers without having to produce fresh content.


Allocating a portion of your marketing budget to create different types of videos is the call of B2B business marketing strategy today. Select the right video content type based on your objectives, and what your competition is doing. As you build up your video library, you will see more leads pouring in. 

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